QSEASV combines between the Marine, Land, and Power...
We have many variations to offer in the means of energy, aqua life or even lands. Here are some sectors:
All that is related to derive power from the utilization of wind turbine, solar systems, water, and more...
All that is related to water from fish, shrimps, spirulina, fodder, fish ornamental, to sea cucumber, and more...
All that is related to plants, farming, land nutrients, cultivation of the soil, and much more...
All that is related to the process of dealing with system controls, operations, security and more...
All that is related to the process of producing animal feed from raw agricultural products.
All that is related to the physical or chemical transformation, such as accumulation, sorting, cooling, etc...
All that is related to the aquaculture recirculating and providing suitable clean habitat for fish, shrimps, etc...